USD 504 Oswego High School

USD 504 Oswego High School

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Passwords and Other Stuff

December 13, 2006 by Jerry Jinks.

I’m glad to see this opportunity to communicate with ex-OHSers although I was about to take the Webmaster to task for making the password system so complicated. Then I noticed that there is a link allowing me to change my password whenever I wish. Sorry, Jim, for my evil thoughts.

Some of you probably know that the class of 1961 held their first ever reunion last June with an excellent turnout. Since then many have remarked that we should organize another one very soon because everyone agreed that there just wasn’t enough time to spend with each other. Cheryl, are you listening?

I know it isn’t politically correct to wish someone “Merry Christmas” anymore. Well, to hell with that! MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!

Jerry Jinks

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